A contemporary home frames an architectural view of a bay of water
Architecture + Design Film Series: Richard Leplastrier: Framing the View


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Richard Leplastrier, one of Australia’s finest architects, shunned the limelight as he tucked himself away in his one-room home in a remote estuary north of Sydney — reachable only by boat. This film follows the very private, yet charismatic, Leplastrier as he designs a home that epitomizes what he has learned over 50 years and the influence of his mentors, namely the Danish architect Jorn Utzon (Sydney Opera House), Australian artist Lloyd Rees, and Japanese professor Masuda Tomoya. Leplastrier is an architect’s architect, refusing to become a ‘starchitect’. He designs beautifully crafted houses for his clients, while his own lifestyle is closer to joyously camping.


Directed by Anna Cater, 2020, Australia, 80 Minutes

Learn more about The Architecture + Design Film Series and virtual viewings. 



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