A collage of images, depicting kids making art with the graphic "Becoming/Vermont over it.


An image of an open book surrounded by an elegantly stylized red border.
Leyla Faye_In The Balance_2024_Acrylic and mixed media on canvas_60x96in
Suzy Spence_Checkers_2024_flashe and acrylic on panel_9x12in
A still from Rachel Rose's Lake Valley
A photograph of a sculptural installation featuring a black tire on a low white platform, with 8 horizontal stripes of black tires tracks on the wall behind.
A photograph of six silver steel sculptures arranged vertically. Each work starts with a wrench that ends in a ring with danging chains that turn into flowers, vines, and other naturalistic abstract shapes


A painting of a ghostlike abstracted human face and arm, with another cruder outline of a head and arm against a background of beige, peach, white, and yellow blended together in a dreamlike way.
A photograph of a sculpture made from brown chestnut leaf stems woven together in a geometric pattern against a white backdrop
A painting of a crowd of dark skinned men and women, paired off and dancing with each other across a black and white checked tile floor. The women wear colorful knee length dresses and high heels and the men wear blazers and a few wear wide brimmed hats. A geometric border of burgundy, blue, green and pink triangles surrounds the scene
A stylized figurative painting of a woman with short brown hair wearing a white dress trimmed with roses at the neckline, holding a small blue book. Her body is slightly transparent, allowing the lush green landscape in the background to show through. A robin that is almost as large as the woman sits next to her and leans forward.
A gallery filled with tall, bulbous, linear multi colored sculptures with textured surfaces made from crocheted yarn. The sculptures rise from lime green bases in abstract blobby shapes. An abstract curvy blob that is blue in the center, fading to orange and yellow at the edges hangs on the wall in the background
A textile sculpture that hangs on a white wall, consisting of knotted white cotton, plastic, and thread interwoven with rich green pieces that form a circle of negative space


An abstract painting with billowing intertwined swirls of blue, jade green, rust, and cream
A photograph of a weatherbeaten wood trap door open with a stone tunnel surrounded by a dirt floor below
A still from a video showing a women's head and shoulders, leaning forward, as seen from behind with white cursive script overlaid that says Xąwįska you're fallen again. I pluck flowers from
a kaleidoscopic video still of the artist
Abstract painting of waterfall w/ vibrant hits of color


white marble carvings of geological period pieces: a Pratt tablet and a Roman amphora, elevated on cedar planks
abstract geometric sculpture constructed from wood and metal stands 8ft tall in front gallery
A playful blobby creature surrounded by colorful mounds
meg lipke 1


Unprecedented?, BCA Center installation, 2020-2021
Clay Mohrman Radiant Thought, BCA Center installation, 2020-2021
JoAnne Carson: A Sense of Wonder, exhibition view, 2020
Estefania Puerta: Sore Mouth Swore, BCA Center Installation
Apocalypse Diet: What Will We Eat, BCA Center installation view
Brigitta Varadi: Exploring the Invisible


Travis Shilling
Art From the Heart participants drawing on a hospital window
Sarah Amos, Unique Multiples
Imperfect Societies
skin ego
Alm@ Pérez Robopoems


Tectonic Industries: Dreams Can Come True
Pauline Jennings' Becoming Human
Artist's Artist: The Way You Look
Crystal Wagner: Traverse
vox populi
Edwin Owre
elise whittemore
dusty boyton


Diana Al-hadid
Dave Kennedy
Vibrant Vermont
ready fire aim
Shane Lavalette