People stand in small groups talking to each other on the back patio of The BCA Center, a narrow 4 story, red brick building with tall, arched windows.

In addition to a full-time staff in offices at the BCA Center, BCA Studios, and the University of Vermont Medical Center, BCA's Advisory Board implements, supports, and promotes the programs, policies, and mission of the organization. Our board's guiding principles are accessibility, relevancy, collaboration, and strategy.

Our Staff


Doreen KraftExecutive Directordkraft@burlingtoncityarts.org802.865.7156
Sara KatzAssistant Directorskatz@burlingtoncityarts.org802.865.5356
John FlanaganCommunications Directorjflanagan@burlingtoncityarts.org802.865.5355
Ted OlsonDesign Directortolson@burlingtoncityarts.org802.540.1788
Meara McGinnissDevelopment and Administrative Coordinatormmcginniss@burlingtoncityarts.org802.865.5816
Elena RosenAssistant Development Directorerosen@burlingtoncityarts.org802.829.6411
Colin StorrsPublic Art and Grants Program Managercstorrs@burlingtoncityarts.org802.540.8376
Tara O'DonovanContent Coordinatortodonovan@burlingtoncityarts.org802.734.0845


Melissa SteadyEducation Directormsteady@burlingtoncityarts.org802.865.7524
Kiersten WilliamsAdult Programs Coordinatorkwilliams@burlingtoncityarts.org802.865.7157
Rebecca SchwarzArt from the Heart Coordinatorrschwarz@burlingtoncityarts.org802.865.9163
Lauren GentaYouth and Family Programs Coordinatorlgenta@burlingtoncityarts.org802.865.7161
Emily KadishClay Studio Coordinatorekadish@burlingtoncityarts.org802.860.7474

Gallery and Exhibitions

Heather FerrellCurator and Director of Exhibitionshferrell@burlingtoncityarts.org802.865.5392
Jacquie O'BrienCuratorial Assistant and Gallery Coordinatorjobrien@burlingtoncityarts.org802.865.7165
Kate Ashman Art Services Coordinatorkashman@burlingtoncityarts.org802.865.7296
Sarah Jayne KennellyPublic Programs Assistantskennelly@burlingtoncityarts.org802.865.7551 


Festivals and Events

Zach WilliamsonFestival and Event Directorzwilliamson@burlingtoncityarts.org802-846-2523
Three people chatting at an outdoor table.

Our Advisory Board

BCA Advisory Board Member applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The board is currently interested in filling positions with applicants who bring greater community representation to the board, who are attorneys, or who have CPA experience. Applications are typically reviewed in April and September.

Apply to join the BCA Advisory Board

Current Meeting Schedules, Agendas and Minutes can be found HERE

Archived Meeting Schedule, Agendas, and Minutes

BCA Voting Advisory Board Members:

Michelle Buswell
Kelly Butts-Spirito
Livia DeMarchis
Billi Gosh, Secretary/Treasurer
Hannah Lebel
Lisa Lillibridge, Member-at-large
Laura McDonough, Vice President
Ryan Mortiz
Bryan Parmelee
Kristina Pentek
Robin Pierce
Sarah Rogers, Member-at-large
Lori Rowe, President
Patrick Shank
Parker Silver
Deb Wilkinson

Non-Voting Board Emeritus:
Penrose Jackson
Rachel Kahn-Fogel
Judy Kelly †
Michael Metz
Sherrill Musty
Barbara Perry
Pat Robins
Christine Stiller
Dana vanderHeyden


Board Members (Expand / Collapse)